National Safety Month: Week Three – Fatigue

Michelle MachenOur Stories, Safety

Safety is a top priority at Mauser Packaging Solutions. During the month of June, the US recognizes National Safety Month by calling attention to workplace safety. At Mauser, we will continue to place a strong emphasis on redefining safety during the month of June while recognizing the ongoing efforts our facilities are taking to ensure employee safety in the workplace.


We have all experienced a tired day at work after a restless night or long week. While it can be easy to yawn and ignore the effects of a tired day, fatigue can have serious implications both personally and in the workplace.

Missing out on sleep can effect more than just productivity. It can lead to decreases in cognitive performance, vigilance, accuracy, and judgement. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to a number of serious health problems including depression, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and other illnesses.1

Sleep disorders and chronic sleep deprivation should be treated by a healthcare provider but these tips can aid in improving sleep quality:

  • Limit alcohol and caffeine.
  • Create a conducive sleep environment by using blackout curtains and turning down the thermostat.
  • Avoid cell phone, television, and computer screens for at least 30 minutes before bed.

Fatigue Tip Sheet

1 According to: (Caruoso et. al, 2016; Perkins et. al, 2001; Frazier et. al, 2003; Rosekind et. al, 2010; Rajaratnam et. al, 2011)