67 minutes for Mandela – Mauser Packaging Solutions marks Mandela Day with acts of kindness

Michelle MachenOur Stories, International Packaging

Mauser Packaging Solutions Reconditioning employees in South Africa marked July 18, Mandela Day, by engaging in 67 minutes of work for the betterment of society.

While some Reconditioning employees kept the facilities running, others where released to create a production line of a different sort — grilling, assembling and delivering 1,500 hot dogs to the Kwacutshwayo Primary School’s morning break.

Great effort was exhibited by the entire team to make this project a success. As a passionate and committed company in the region, Mauser Reconditioning employees exhibited our Cornerstones of Sustainability on Mandela Day 2019.

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What is Mandela Day?

In November 2009, the United Nations declared July 18 as Nelson Mandela Day to honor the legacy of the former South African president and his values. Since 2009, South Africans participate in activities bettering society for at least 67 minutes every July 18. Sixty-seven is the number of years Mandela spent in community service – first as a human rights lawyer, then 27 years a political prisioner, and finally as the first emocratically-eleced prsident of South Africa.