Mauser Packaging Solutions may receive requests from external parties such as customers, suppliers, labor organizations, media representatives and governmental authorities for information concerning the identities or numbers of employees who:
- exhibit symptoms of or test positive for COVID-19;
- have certain pre-existing health conditions that increase their risks of COVID-19 infection;
- have been in close contact with individuals who tested positive for COVID-19; and;
- are not reporting to work due to self-quarantining as instructed by the company or otherwise.
Please be aware that such information requests may implicate private health data and is subject to certain legal protections such as under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”). Further, such information is confidential to Mauser Packaging Solutions. Employees may not respond to such information requests from external parties without the prior approval of a member of the company’s Executive Leadership Team.
Under certain circumstances, the company may be legally required to release information about COVID-19 infections and employee absences. Specifically, U.S state and local health authorities may require the disclosure of COVID-19 infections and close contact with infected individuals for tracking and contact tracing purposes. Please review any such requests with the Mauser Packaging Solutions Legal Department before providing information in response to governmental health authorities.
Responses to requests from any non-governmental external party for confidential information such as the examples listed above must be approved in advance by a member of the Mauser Packaging Solutions Executive Leadership Team.
In summary, you should not disclose COVID-19 related health information, including the confirmed or rumored health status of other employees, to any party outside of the company except according to the requirements listed above.