Message from Mark Burgess (Audio) – Setting the Stage for Success in 2022

Michelle MachenBillion Dollar Plan, Leadership Messages, Mauser News, Soundbites

Listen to Mark Burgess, President and CEO of Mauser Packaging Solutions, outline priorities and initiatives for a successful 2022.


(Mark Burgess, President and CEO of Mauser Packaging Solutions):

Welcome to 2022, I am looking forward to the year ahead and to the great things we are set to accomplish.

With our new one-billion-dollar plan underway, we are on track to making Mauser a better company to work for and work with. We will continue to innovate our processes and products and invest in our team and workplace. I am looking forward to a busy and rewarding year.

As we kick off 2022, first and foremost, and always, will be our attention and commitment to safety at every level of our organization.

As part of our one-billion-dollar plan, we are raising the bar on safety with a goal of reducing our year-over-year total company incident rate by 10%. To accomplish this, we will be investing in ongoing education and training; better equipment and processes, and automation and robotics to help reduce risk and ensure a safe and healthy environment for all. Safety depends on all of us. Nobody wants to be injured or see their teammates injured on the job, so let’s all do our part to look for areas where we can improve safety.

In 2022 we will also focus  on expanding capacity, increasing productivity, and driving growth. To do those things, I want to stress the importance of knowing, understanding, and focusing on the following key priorities that will build a better and strong company for all of us:

  • Differentiating our offerings and drive growth, by innovating and developing new products.
  • Committing to growing the Company.
  • Investing in resources and innovation.
  • Focusing on adjacent markets.

Our investment plan in 2022 is budgeted to spend almost 50% more in capital than we did in 2021. This aggressive investment plan shows the ongoing commitment I have in supporting the growth and productivity of our company. In addition to good EIP/SIP ideas that you are leading, we will continue to invest aggressively, to become a more productive company that services the needs of our customers effectively.

I am looking forward to what we can accomplish in the months ahead and I hope you are as well.  Let’s remember to take COVID precautions seriously so that we can focus on the future without constantly looking over our shoulders with apprehension. Together, I am certain we are going to make 2022 one for the records.