Mental Health Awareness: Suicide Prevention – Next Steps

Michelle MachenOur Stories

By creating hope through action, we can signal to people experiencing suicidal thoughts that there is hope and that we care and want to support them.

You can help give someone hope by showing that you care.

All of us can play a role, no matter how small. We may never know what we do that makes a difference. We all can reach in and ask somebody. You do not need to tell them what to do or have solutions, but simply making the time and space to listen to someone about their experiences of distress or suicidal thoughts can help. Small talk can save lives and create a sense of connection and hope in somebody who may be struggling.

Stigma is a major barrier to help-seeking.

Changing the narrative around suicide through the promotion of hope can create a more compassionate society where those in need feel more comfortable in coming forward to seek help. We can all do something to live in a world where suicide is recognized, and we can all do something to help prevent it.

The insights and stories of people with a lived experience of suicide can be extremely powerful.

The insights and stories of people with a lived experience of suicide can be extremely powerful in helping others understand suicide better and encourage people to reach in to support someone, and for individuals to reach out for help themselves. It’s important that the person sharing their story knows how to do so in a way that is safe for them and for those who hear their story.


E(F)AP resources and assistance are available to U.S. and Canadian Mauser Packaging Solutions employees and members of their household through our benefit programs.*

U.S.: THE HARTFORD: Enhanced Ability Assist® - Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Call toll free 1-800-96-HELPS (1-800-964-3577) or visit

View EAP Flyer (English)
View EAP Flyer (Spanish)

Canada: Manulife – Homewood Health/Santé: Resilience® Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP)

Call toll free 1-866-644-0326 or visit

View EFAP Flyer (English)
View EFAP Flyer (French)

*Resources and assistance available regardless of enrollment in healthcare benefits.

Note: Similar programs may be offered in other countries through Company provided offerings or government healthcare systems. Check with your local Human Resources representative for available resources.

Personal stories of an individual’s experiences of significant emotional distress, suicidal thoughts or attempt, and their experiences of recovery can inspire hope in others that they too can move through the period of distress or crisis, and their insights can help others understand what it means to feel suicidal and how they can support others.

Individuals sharing experiences of being bereaved through suicide and how they came to live their ‘new normal’, can help others experiencing suicidal loss make sense of the devastation of suicide and believe they will be able to live through and with the loss.

By encouraging understanding, reaching in, and sharing experiences, we want to give people the confidence to take action. To prevent suicide requires us to become a beacon of light to those in pain. There are steps you can take to understand the warning signs for suicide and how to help anyone who may be contemplating it. The best advice: Get involved, be prepared for an emergency and know about the professional support resources to which you can turn. If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, get help immediately by calling your local emergency number. Find a helpline.
