While Mauser facilities have operated trucks and trailers for many years, the implementation of the Corporate Private Fleet in 2020 consolidated most fleet management activities and facilitated a shift in ideology. “Anytime you have de-centralized management, you are going to experience variance in priorities, procedures, and quality. Centralizing our private fleet has provided an opportunity to reverse negative trends and provide a better experience for our drivers, facilities, and customers,” commented Dan Kraemer, Regional Safety Manager.
Since implementation in 2020, the Mauser Private Fleet has accomplished significant improvements in the areas of regulatory compliance, safety, equipment management and driver engagement.
Regulatory Compliance
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration1 (FMCSA) evaluates carriers using seven Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories2 (BASICs). Prior to implementation of the centralized private fleet, 70% of Mauser locations operating trucks were in jeopardy with the FMCSA based on BASIC scores. In May of 2020, 35% of all locations were above the threshold for intervention in at least one category. Another 35% were in the warning threshold in at least 1 category and only 30% were performing well in all areas. These scores meant much of Mauser’s fleet was in danger of being shut down and only six of 20 locations were performing well based on Department of Transportation (DOT) numbers. To address these issues, the fleet safety team was implemented with an objective to limit Mauser’s liability on the road by prioritizing driver inspections, scrutinizing data and implementing corrective actions. In July 2023, Mauser recorded zero locations above the federal threshold for interventions for the first . “This is a significant accomplishment for our team. From our drivers to management this has been a group effort to change the behaviors that contribute to this data. Compliance to with FMCSA not only keeps our fleet operational but creates a safer work experience for our drivers and those they encounter on the road,” commented Kraemer.
Improving our adherence with regulations innately improves fleet safety but compliance is only a first step in ensuring safety for those who interact with Mauser’s private fleet. In addition to requiring safe behavior from drivers, Mauser is committed to providing tools and equipment needed for safety. One example is the implementation of . If freight shifts during transport and is resting against the trailer doors, it can fall when the doors are opened causing serious injury to the driver. Limiting straps allow a driver to safely open the trailer door to determine if cargo has shifted during transit. This inexpensive and easy to use tool, protects both our people and the quality of our products.
Equipment management
Centralized management of our private fleet provides more oversight for routine maintenance needs of trucks and trailers. Additionally, the Trailer and Tractor Lifecycle programs keep drivers operating newer, safer, and more comfortable equipment. Newer equipment also reduces downtime and lessens the scrutiny on drivers during roadside inspections while decreasing costs associated with the maintenance required on older trucks and trailers. Through this program, five new tractors have been delivered in 2023 with an additional 55 in the pipeline.
Driver Engagement
Launched in 2023, the “Every Five You Drive” program recognizes Mauser drivers for every fifth anniversary they reach with the company. Drivers receive a special recognition and an award during the quarter of their anniversary to show appreciation for their years of service with Mauser. “Approximately a third of our drivers/spotters have been with Mauser for over 10 years so it is important that we acknowledge these employees for their commitment to our company especially in an economic environment that presents unending job opportunities in this field,” commented Eckhard. Prior to implementing the “Every Five You Drive” program, a series of recognition events were held in to provide recognition for all drivers with over five years of service. For NTDAW 2023, Mauser drivers and spotters were recognized for their hard work and given gloves, Mauser tee shirts and gift cards for meals.
The success of centralizing Mauser’s private fleet is largely attributable to the commitment, dedication, and hard work of our drivers. “We can implement policies, programs, and procedures all day long from an office, but it means nothing if we don’t get the support and buy-in from the people sitting in the cab of a truck every day. The willingness of these individuals to embrace change enables us to make their jobs safer and hopefully more enjoyable,” said Eckhard.
We acknowledge the essential role our truck drivers play in fulfilling our commitment to providing full life cycle packaging solutions to our customers and appreciate their service during National Truck Driver Appreciation Week and every week. Thank you for being an important part of our team!
1The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is an agency in the United States Department of Transportation that regulates the trucking industry in the United States.
2The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) uses seven Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories—BASICs—to determine a motor carrier’s safety performance and compliance relative to other carriers. https://csa.fmcsa.dot.gov/Documents/CSA_GRS_Visor_S.pdf
3Related Article - Recognizing Mauser Truck Drivers for Commitment to Excellent Service, August 1, 2023