EIP/SIP Ideas Represent Improvement in our Workplace

Michelle MachenMauser News

Mauser Packaging Solutions’ Earning Improvement Program (EIP) and Sales Improvement Program (SIP) are the foundation for optimizing efficiency and positioning the company for growth. These programs provide an avenue for employees’ good ideas to be heard and implemented.

EIP and SIP are core initiatives to drive Mauser’s success in an ever-changing economic climate. While external factor may be out of our control, we can mitigate the impact on our business through responsible management of our resources. EIP and SIP recognize the expertise of the employees who engage with our equipment, processes, and products every day and empowers them to make their jobs and our operations more efficient and cost effective.

In addition to the financial and operational improvement benefits, EIP and SIP are driving a more open and collaborative work environment. Implemented projects are making the workplace safer and more sustainable as culture of ownership and willingness to share ideas is fostered through the open dialogue that exists around these programs. At its core, EIP and SIP are about building a culture of engagement within the organization.

Since implementation in 2021, over 5,500 projects have been identified from employee submissions and over 4,000 of those projects have been completed. In 2023, we saw a significant increase in EIP and SIP engagement as these programs matured and leaders became more adept at incorporating discussions regarding improvements into the way they manage daily. We are confident that EIP and SIP engagement is becoming a way of daily thought, consideration and leadership at Mauser as each idea and project represents the power of all employees engaged with cost savings and improvement in our workplace.

All employees are encouraged to use their facility or functional unit process to submit EIP or SIP ideas and to actively support projects that implement these ideas. EIP and SIP should be a state of mind that is present in everything that we do. Our employees, and the communities in which we operate, benefit from successful projects that make our jobs more efficient, communities more prosperous, improve our products, and reduce our costs.