Safety is one of our core values at Mauser Packaging Solutions. As a Company, it is our ethical responsibility to ensure that each employee goes home safe, every day. As an important element in every decision we make and as a responsibility of every employee, improving workplace safety is an ongoing task and one that we take seriously.
The safety of employees is our greatest interest - above production, quality, costs, and service. As a company we are committed to providing the infrastructure, training, and resources to ensure employees are provided with a safe work environment and the knowledge required to perform job tasks without harm.
In North America, the “12 Step Safety Building Block Audit” program has been implemented creating a uniformed approach for how plants should manage safety. As of early January, I am proud to announce that 102 of our 105 North American facilities have completed the initial series of audits within the first four months of program launch. The first series of the 12-step audit serves as a baseline to identify and leverage opportunities to improve systems and the safety culture. Following this first series, action plans are developed at each facility to close the gaps identified by the audit. By the end of the calendar year, scheduled follow-up audits will be conducted at all locations to measure the effectiveness of continuous improvement efforts. In addition to the 12 Step Building Block Audit, individual audits will also be conducted each quarter to help confirm compliance with applicable environmental, health and safety regulations. As plants work toward compliance, a uniformed safety management approach is established which is equally as important as having consistent safety policies and procedures.
With the successful continuation of the “Fullmark Safety Program” in 2021, our International business unit ended the year with the Company’s best Total Safety Incident Rate (TIR). The best practice safety idea sharing program can be directly linked to the year-over-year improved TIR experienced within the business unit. International will continue to support and expand the adoption of the Fullmark Program in 2022 to boost training, understanding, and emphasis on safety programs.
As we begin a new year, we are presented with an opportunity across the organization to remind ourselves of our core safety principles,
- nothing is worth getting injured over.
- all injuries can be prevented.
- safety will be managed.
- safe behavior is a condition of employment for all employees.
We all share equal responsibility for knowing and abiding by these principles regardless of job role or tenure.
At Mauser Packaging Solutions, we share a unique culture of personal responsibility for our own safety and the safety of each other. This is a culture where everyone understands the importance of safety for our families, our co-workers, and our company. This core value is recognized and appreciated by Mauser Packaging Solutions employees and our customers. I count on you to actively participate as members on safety committees, perform safety audits, look out for the well-being of your peers and, most of all, to work safely every day.
Joseph Cummons
Senior Vice President - Mauser Operating Systems