Safety is pivotal in our business. At Mauser Packaging Solutions, Safety is our number one priority. To demonstrate the Company’s commitment to Safety, the first global safety week was conducted January 14-18. “Safety reflects how we care for our people. While good safety supports good operational performance and is thus good business, it is the avoidance of workplace incidents, which …
Steel Tariff Impact on Mauser: Section 232 Tariff Update
The Section 232 tariff on steel and aluminum that went into effect in March 2018 has had an impact on Mauser Packaging Solutions. The tariff, which was designed to support the US steel industry, has significantly raised the cost of steel, particularly in the United States. Steel related products such as our steel drums, cans, and IBC cages, account for …
2019 Critical Success Factors (CSF): The Foundation of our Strategy
Our CSF are foundational in nature and support our strategic planning development and implementation. Focus in these areas strengthens our core operations and drives the continued success of our company into the future. People – Sustain and grow a safety first workplace Our first obligation to our people is to provide a safe and enjoyable workplace for a fulfilling career. …
Small Packaging: Indianapolis Reaches Five Year Safety Milestone
Indianapolis Small Packaging employees marked five years without a recordable safety incident on November 18, 2018. Reaching this milestone is no easy task. It requires a steady and uncompromising commitment to safety from every level of the organization. The success at Indianapolis is great example of what a facility can accomplish when everyone shares a common vision and is committed …
Vanguard to Conduct Retirement Education Webinar
You are invited. Mark your calendar! A Vanguard representative will be conducting a retirement education webinar in February. The webinar, Financial Freedom, aims to teach the basic rules of thumb to improve your finances and ensure you are headed in the right direction financially. Webinar Dates & Times (all times shown Central time): February 12 — 8 a.m., 11 a.m., …
International Packaging: Safety Week Success
Safety week across International Packaging was a great success. Michael Steubing, President of International Packaging, visited Brühl, Erkelenz, Bammental, Hamburg, Creil and Esches taking the opportunity to meet employees to discuss the importance of safety for our company. Safety stands downs and activities were also initiated by Stefan Wiedenhöfer, Edson Rossi, our local GMs, Plant Managers and SHEQ management. Across …
Safety Week 2019
At Mauser Packaging Solutions, you—our dedicated workers—are our biggest asset, and it is our responsibility to ensure that you go home to your family and loved ones safe and healthy every day. To show our commitment to safety, Mauser Packaging Solutions kicked off 2019 with Safety Week January 14-18, 2019. The 2019 global safety week aimed to raise awareness and understanding of …
Large Packaging Safety Team: Stepping up for Safety
The Large Packaging safety team is one of the driving forces in making sure safety remains at the forefront of our business, is actionable and sustainable, and involves everyone. “Focusing on safety is critical for our company, for you, for each other,” says Nick Sheets, Director Environmental, Health and Safety (EH&S)/Regulatory Group, Large Packaging. “We have to work in an …
Small Packaging: Taking a Proactive Stance on Safety
“Every accident is preventable,” says Allen Coppolo, Director, Environmental, Health & Safety (EH&S), Small Packaging. And, it’s this positive philosophy that is powering efforts to create a proactive safety program and culture that involves employees in all 26 Small Packaging plants. “Instead of addressing injuries after the fact, we ‘re focusing on prescriptive measures to prevent them from happening in …
Ken Roessler’s New Year Message
With 2018 now behind us, I think we can characterize last year with the word volatility. Many parts of the global economy had rocky years, as did the raw materials that we use in our manufacturing processes. In addition, all of the tariff and trade activity added to the volatility and has created uncertainty as we move forward. Mauser Packaging …