Mt. Vernon, Ohio Facility (NAIP) Delivers A Perfect Customer Scorecard for 2022

Michelle MachenOur Stories, Industrial Solutions

Congratulations to the Mt. Vernon, Ohio team for delivering a 100% Satisfaction Scorecard for Idemitsu Lubricants in 2022. The scorecard is based on defects, service issues and delivery issues. Despite overwhelming adversity over the past year, the Mt. Vernon team delivered 125 orders with a total of 6,900 units over the course of 11 months and did so with zero …

2023 Open Enrollment begins today for U.S. benefit-eligible employees

Michelle MachenOur Stories

*This meaasge applies only to benefit eligible employees located in the U.S. Open Enrollment for 2023 benefits open today. During Open Enrollment (November 7-18, 2022), U.S. benefit-eligible employee may submit changes to health and welfare benefits and name beneficiaries for 2023. Open Enrollment is your only opportunity to elect benefits during the year, unless you experience a qualifying life event …

Mental Health Awareness: Domestic Abuse / Intimate Partner Violence Myths vs. Facts

Michelle MachenOur Stories

When it comes to domestic abuse or intimate partner violence, it can be difficult to separate fact from myth. Whether you are the victim or whether you know someone who is being abused, it is important to be able to distinguish myth from fact to make important decisions about personal safety. Myth #1: Abuse Happens Only to Certain People Fact: …

Conversations Matter: Mental Health Awareness Video Series – Part 4

Michelle MachenOur Stories

Having a conversation about mental health might be uncomfortable, but it can make all the difference. Regardless of the situation or circumstance, your willingness to start a conversation can help someone.Having the ConversationOnce the door has been opened for someone to talk about their mental health struggles, it can be intimidating to continue engaging in that conversation. Many people will …

Mental Health Awareness: Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Michelle MachenOur Stories

Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) is held annually in October to bring advocates together to help end domestic violence. In addition to physical harm, domestic violence also leads to significant mental health issues. Knowing how to identify and prevent domestic violence is important to ensuring the safety of yourself and others. Domestic violence can include (but is not limited to) …

Mental Health Awareness: Stress and Anxiety – Next Steps

Michelle MachenOur Stories

There are many things you can do to reduce the amount of stress you feel and improve overall physical and emotional health. A few suggestions include: Identify the causes Some of the things that cause anxiety are obvious, but other causes might not be so obvious. Is it constant traffic congestion? Hearing upsetting news on television or radio? Being around …

Conversations Matter: Mental Health Awareness Video Series – Part 3

Michelle MachenOur Stories

Having a conversation about mental health might be uncomfortable, but it can make all the difference. Regardless of the situation or circumstance, your willingness to start a conversation can help someone.Starting the ConversationBeginning the conversation doesn’t mean you have to dive straight into talking about mental health struggles or have an intense heart-to-heart. Consider instead meeting your friend where they …

Mental Health Awareness: Stress and Anxiety

Michelle MachenOur Stories

Stress and anxiety can be normal aspects of life but can have a negative impact on physical and mental health when not managed effectively. There’s a fine line between stress and anxiety. Both are emotional responses, but stress is typically caused by an external trigger. The trigger can be short-term, such as a work deadline or a fight with a …

Mental Health Awareness: Addiction and Substance Abuse – Next Steps

Michelle MachenOur Stories

People with a substance abuse addiction are often reluctant to admit they have a problem and initially reluctant to accept help. They may problems say things like, “I can stop drinking or using other drugs any time I want to” — but they don’t. The stigma associated with substance abuse is a barrier that prevents many people from seeking or …

Conversations Matter: Mental Health Awareness Video Series – Part 2

Michelle MachenOur Stories

Having a conversation about mental health might be uncomfortable, but it can make all the difference. Regardless of the situation or circumstance, your willingness to start a conversation can help someone.Know the SignsIt doesn’t take an expert to be able to identify the signs that someone could be struggling with their mental health. Be aware of specific actions of behaviors …