The beginning of a new year marks a time when many of us make resolutions and commitments for the coming year. As we embark on a new year for our company, it is a good time for us to remember and renew our commitment to safety in the workplace. At Mauser Packaging Solutions, it is a shared responsibility of ours …
Lloydminster Facility Reaches 10 years Without a Lost Time Injury
Congratulations to the team at the Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada facility (NAIP) on achieving 10 years without a lost time incident! The team achieved this milestone in November 2023 and celebrated the milestone by presenting employees with commemorative jackets during their Christmas luncheon. Chris McGirr, Division Manager credits the achievement to the employees who have taken ownership in building a culture …
Safety by the Numbers: 2023 – Year-to-date Quarter 3
At Mauser Packaging Solutions, it is our ethical responsibility to ensure that each employee goes home safe, every day. During Quarter 3, Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) and Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR) increased with TRIR increasing above the 2022 rate. Incident totals across the business reached the highest single month numbers for August but responded with the lowest rates …
Taking Safety Home: Protect young backs through proper backpack use
Back pain can be a common ailment among adults but can also impact children and teens. One of the most common causes for back pain in children is backpacks that are overloaded or not worn correctly. Backpacks that are too heavy can cause a lot of problems for kids, like back, neck, and shoulder pain, as well as poor posture. …
Safety Awareness: Preventing Workplace Violence
Workplace safety usually implies the typical hazards in manufacturing such as moving machinery, falling or flying objects, energized electrical systems, and forklifts, but safety at Mauser Packaging Solutions means protecting everyone from all hazards, including acts of violence. Each year, an average of nearly 2 million U.S. workers report having been a victim of violence at work, according to the …
Safety by the Numbers: 2023 – Quarter 2
At Mauser Packaging Solutions, it is our ethical responsibility to ensure that each employee goes home safe, every day. During the second quarter, Mauser facilities gave special emphasis to safety during June through the observation of Safety Month. Throughout the month, employees participated in the Global Safety Stand Down, training and activities to ensure employees have the necessary knowledge and …
Facilities Participate in Safety Month 2023 Activities
The safety of our employees is always the number one priority at Mauser Packaging Solutions but during our annual Safety Month a special emphasis is placed on safety training and recognizing employees for engaging in safe workplace behavior. The cornerstone of Safety Month was the Global Safety Stand Down. Through the Stand Down, employees were reminded of the importance of …
National Safety Month 2023: Week Four – Hazard Recognition
During the month of June, the U.S. recognizes National Safety Month by calling attention to workplace safety. In addition to our emphasis on safety topics specific to Mauser Packaging Solutions, we join with other companies across the U.S. by focusing on weekly topics provided by the National Safety Council. National Safety Month – Week Four – Hazard RecognitionBeing safe means …
Safety Beyond the Workplace: The relationship between workplace safety and employee wellbeing
While physical welfare and safety in the workplace is a leading interest and concern, the connection between the environment and mental and emotional wellbeing is equally important but often overlooked. It is easy to recognize how a workplace safety incident can have serious physical impact on an employee who experiences an injury. However, the mental and emotional impact of experiencing …
National Safety Month 2023: Week Three – Heat-Related Illness
During the month of June, the U.S. recognizes National Safety Month by calling attention to workplace safety. In addition to our emphasis on safety topics specific to Mauser Packaging Solutions, we join with other companies across the U.S. by focusing on weekly topics provided by the National Safety Council. National Safety Month – Week Three – Heat-Related IllnessThe human body …