This page contains ready to use resources you need to begin the new year with a strong emphasis on safety. Additional resources will be added throughout the year to reinforce the importance of safety.
Quarterly Safety Breaks (North American)
Each quarter resources will be provided to enable facility leaders to introduce employees to a couple of the Life Saving Rules. By using the Safety Break materials, all North American employees should be familiar with each of the Life Saving Rules by the end of 2020. The document provided for each topic includes information for employee training as well as an activity. Employees should be provided with the training material as a reminder of the key elements for each Life Saving Rule.
Quarter 4
Fall Protection and Hazardous Materials
Safety Break to be conducted the week of November 23.
Quarter 3
Energy Isolation and Line of Fire
Safety Break to be conducted the week of August 17.
Quarter 2
Hot Work and Confined Spaces
Safety Break to be conducted the week of May 18.
Quarter 1
Safety Controls and Safe Driving
Safety Break to be conducted the week of February 17.
Life Saving Rules (North America)
Life-Saving Rules describe key safety principles that protect employees against serious injury or death. The Mauser Life Saving Rules have been developed around hazards specific to Mauser Packaging Solutions and will be the foundation for safety training and enforcement in North America. Use the PowerPoint presentation and flyer to introduce the Life Saving Rules to all employees. Additional training focusing on each rule will be provided for the Quarterly Safety Breaks.
Introduction to Life Saving Rules PowerPoint Presentation
Click the link to download and save the PowerPoint file to your computer. The file will not open in the web browser.
Life Saving Rules Posters were shipped to all North American facilities in November 2019. The flyers provided here are resized to 8.5"x11" for in house printing.
Global Health and Safety Policy
Mauser Packaging Solutions aims to provide a safe and healthy environment for all those who work for and with our company. Facilities are asked to print and post this policy in a visible, high-trafficked location replacing any previous Health and Safety policies.
Safety 2020 Banner
The Safety 2020 banner can be displayed in facilities as a reminder of the commitment made to safety. Use the files available below to have the 80"x30" banner printed locally. Safety posters will be printed and shipped to facilities throughout the year.
Translated versions of this banner have been removed but are available by request.
Safety 2020 Stand Down
North America: week of January 20
International: week of January 27
The Safety 2020 Stand Down is a mandatory all-employee meeting conducted by local management at each of our 180+ facilities worldwide. This event is held to reinforce and remind employees of the importance of safety. To meet the stand down requirements, please plan the following activities:
- An all employee Safety 2020 stand down meeting conducted by local leadership using provided resources. Meeting should last approximately 45-60 minutes and be offered across all shifts.
- One safety activity supporting the stand down lasting approximately 60 minutes to ½ day. Selection of the activity and its duration is at the discretion of local leadership. Activity suggestions are provided in the Safety Stand Down Quick Reference Guide. Please plan this activity to be held the week of the stand down.
Some locations will be visited by an EC member between January 20-31. Facilities with a scheduled EC visit should plan either the facility safety stand down or required safety activity to coincide with the EC visit.
Updated 1/14/2020
Stand Down Facility Flyer
Print and post the facility flyers to notify employees of the Safety 2020 Stand Down. The customizable flyer can be edited to include location specifics and stand down details.
Stand Down PowerPoint Presentation
The stand down presentation should be used by local leadership to lead the Safety 2020 Stand Down.
Please customize the following slides before presenting:
- Slide 1 – Insert the presenter’s name and date.
- Slide 4 - This slide contains a video message from Ken Roessler. Internet connection is required for the linked video. Follow the instructions in the notes section of slide four for directions on how to access the video offline.
- Slides 11 and 12 - These slides are for reporting business unit and facility safety metrics. These metrics will be provided by your business unit safety leadership.
Click the link to download and save the PowerPoint file to your computer. The file will not open in the web browser. After you have saved the file to your computer, open the file. If asked, enable editing and enable external content. By enabling external content, you will be able to view/play the video within the presentation, which is hosted on an external website.
Translated versions of this presentation have been removed but are available by request.
Video Message from Ken
Download the Safety 2020 Video Message from Ken Roessler if you are embedding the video in the PowerPoint presentation.